See a description of the String date type.
Attributes of the string data type are listed below:
- AccessDate
- Address
- AgentQuery
- ArticleTitle
- Author2
- Author3
- Author4
- AutoFetchCommand
- Badge
- BookTitle
- BorderBevel
- CallNumber
- CleanupAction
- Container
- Creator
- DisplayName
- Edition
- Fill
- FullName
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- HTMLExportAfter
- HTMLExportBefore
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- HTMLExportExtension
- HTMLExportFileName
- HTMLExportFileNameSpacer
- HTMLExportPath
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- HTMLFirstParagraphStart
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- HTMLIndentedParagraphEnd
- HTMLIndentedParagraphStart
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- HTMLListItemEnd
- HTMLListItemStart
- HTMLListStart
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- HTMLStrikeStart
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- HTMLUnderlineStart
- Issue
- Journal
- KeyAttributeFont
- LeftMargin
- MapBackgroundPattern
- mt_convert_breaks
- mt_keywords
- Name
- NameAlignment
- NameFont
- Organization
- Pages
- ParagraphSpacing
- Path
- Pattern
- Prototype
- PublicationCity
- PublicationYear
- Publisher
- RawData
- ReferenceRIS
- ReferenceTitle
- ReferenceURL
- RefFormat
- RefType
- RightMargin
- ScrivenerID
- ScrivenerLabel
- ScrivenerNote
- ScrivenerStatus
- ScrivenerType
- Shape
- SimplenoteKey
- Sort
- SortAlso
- SortAlsoTransform
- SortTransform
- Subtitle
- TableHeading
- Tabs
- Telephone
- Text
- TextAlign
- TextFont
- TitleFont
- Volume
- WeblogPostID