This version is out of date, covering development from v5.0.0 to v5.12.2. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere.

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Operator Type: 

Operator Scope of Action: 

Operator Purpose: 

Operator First Added: 

Operator Altered: 

 Function   [other Function type actions]

 Item   [operators of similar scope]

 Query Boolean   [other Query Boolean operators]

 Already in v5.0.0



Returns true if the current note is a direct child of item or, put conversely, if item is the parent of the note. Thus it can be thought of as an "is a child of" operator - and as such a counterpart to the "is parent of" operator contains().

The item parameter must be quoted unless an attribute reference. Ways to define item.

Pertinent to map view, inside() and adornments:

In a more general context inside("X") is true for note A if any of the following are true:

The last of these, if overlooked, can give unexpected results. The more expansive matching above is necessary to do things like looking inside agents. A better test to match just the first of the three conditions above is $Container=="X"

This operator replaced the deprecated legacy #inside query operator.

Possible relevant notes (via "Similar Notes" feature):

A Tinderbox Reference File : Actions & Rules : Operators : Action Operator Functional Types : Function actions : inside("item")