This note has been updated and moved to the action code operator list - see if().
The remainder of this note refers to deprecated usage.
Although, for long-term users with old files, there is legacy support for conditional export code ^if syntax^ it is strongly deprecated in actions and rules.
Note the slight difference between the two two conditional syntaxes. The export code ^if version evaluates a conditional test for a resolved value of true. The action code if version evaluates an action code expression also tested for a resolved value of true. While both ultimately test for a true result, the initial test may need to be written slightly differently for each version.
Note that in the action code conditional syntax the $Attribute=value assignation is made inside the {} brackets. Conversely, the older ^if syntax requires the a single left hand Attribute= with the alternate values embedded in the if statement at right side. Thus, new:
if(conditional expression){$Attribute="value1"}else{$Attribute="value2"}
…versus old (now deprecated):
The new syntax makes testing for negatives much easier than using ^not, as an attribute name may simply be prefixed is an exclamation mark:
Both the above work but using a $ prefix for attribute names is perhaps better for long-term maintenance as the syntax is explicit.