The simplest forms of outliner often use a line/paragraph of text per 'note' and outline position is indicated by tabs(s) at the start of the line.
Such basic outlines can copied and pasted directly—as an outline—into Tinderbox. If a paste into a Tinderbox view (most sensibly Outline view) is detected as containing a tab-indented outline, the outline is recreated at the pasted location.
Pasted-in outlines are inserted collapsed inside a single new container which is always called 'imported outline'.
The 'imported outline' container's $Text is the whole, as-pasted, text. So, if the text is large and the container is to be retained, it can be sensible to delete the container's $Text.
Each new note created uses the source outline entries text as the $Name and as its $Text. This apparent duplication is to help bridge the fact that simple outliners have no notion of a discrete title vs. text, as was the case with the very earliest outliners. Some try to do both, e.g. OmniOutliner treats the second and subsequent paragraph of the note label as 'text' in contexts like import/export of OMPL. Bottom line, there is no 'norm' though the user's personal past experience might trick them into thinking so.