Locked adornments
Locked adornments are locked ($Lock) onto the map background to avoid accidental movement. The lock state can be toggled on/off using the icons top right of the adornment; if desired the icon can be substituted with a custom icon. Locked adornments are ignored from drag-selections of notes. An adornment can be selected whilst locked but to re-size it (or drag it) is must be unlocked.
Locks a note or (more usually) an adornment to the Map to avoid being moved inadvertently.
Primarily used in Map view (indeed, intended primarily for adornments), if $Lock is true
the adornment can be selected but not repositioned, i.e. $Xpos and$Ypos are locked. Nor can the item be re-sized (i.e. changing $Height or $Width).
Sticky adornments
Sticky adornments ($Sticky) ensure any notes within or overlapping them move with the adornment when the latter is moved. This makes it much easier to work with moving sections of very large, complex maps.
Overlapping adornments are also moved if they lie above the sticky adornment in outline order, i.e. adornments that lie partially over (above) the sticky adornment but under (behind) it. The sticky state can be toggled on/off using the icons top right of the adornment; if desired the icon can be substituted with a custom icon.
Note that, while moving a sticky adornment moves notes on top of it, items on a 'sticky' adornment can still be moved independently, either on the adornment or to move them off it. In the latter case the object is no longer 'stuck' to the adornment. Moving an item off a sticky adornment has no effect on the adornment itself.
Custom icons for locked/sticky state
The icon (ICNS-type) files for the above can be customised.