Attribute Data Type:
Attribute Default Value:
Attribute Group:
Attribute Purpose:
Attribute Inherited from Preferences?
Attribute UI-configurable?
Attribute Read-Only?
Attribute Intrinsic?
Attribute First Added:
Attribute Altered:
number [other number-type attributes]
General [other General Group attributes]
Calculated data
Yes [other read-only attributes]
Yes [other intrinsic attributes]
Sequential sibling order number (read-only, 1-based).
The $SiblingOrder of the first child in a container is '1'. The $SiblingOrder of the next child is '2', and so on.
The sibling order is effectively the the $OutlineOrder but only (numbered) for the current container.
The lowest number is drawn at the front in a map. If notes with sibling orders #1 and #5 overlap, part of #5 will be behind the icon for #1.
The note menu command to move a note forward/backward or all the way to the back/front will alter both $OutlineOrder and $SiblingOrder for the affected note(s).
Separators and adornments are included in sibling order. Note that some early versions of tinderbox, adornments used not to be included in sibling order.
Regardless of $SiblingOrder values, in map view all adornments are drawn behind all notes/container/agents. It may be easier to think of the two sets of data as if being drawn on separate map overlays
Aliases do not inherit this property from their original but have their own intrinsic value.