Generic information about notes. This group has the largest proportion of calculated, read-only, values.
- AdornmentCount
- Aliases
- Caption
- Checked
- ChildCount
- ClusterTerms
- Container
- Created
- CreatedFrom
- Creator
- DescendantCount
- DisplayExpression
- DisplayExpressionDisabled
- DisplayName
- Edict
- EdictDisabled
- File
- HoverExpression
- HoverImage
- HoverOpacity
- ID
- InboundLinkCount
- IsAction
- IsAdornment
- IsAlias
- IsPrototype
- LocalAttributes
- Modified
- Name
- OnAdd
- OnRemove
- OutboundLinkCount
- OutlineDepth
- OutlineOrder
- Path
- PlainLinkCount
- Private
- Prototype
- PrototypeBequeathsChildren
- ReadCount
- Rule
- RuleDisabled
- Searchable
- SelectionCount
- SiblingOrder
- Subtitle
- TextLinkCount
- WebLinkCount