Sub-menu of the Note menu. This allows a Badge to be set. The name is used as the value of the Badge attribute when an icon is selected. The full list of default badge names, as used when setting $Badge via actions and rules is below:
- none
- normal
- [divider rule]
- [any custom badges]
- [divider rule if any custom badges]
- add
- application
- arrow down
- arrow left
- arrow right
- arrow up
- binoculars
- bug
- calendar
- camera
- cd
- chart
- chat
- check mark
- clock
- database
- design
- document
- flag blue
- flag red
- flag yellow
- folder
- help
- idea
- information
- key
- lock
- manage
- memo
- music
- news
- next
- no
- ok
- paperclip
- people
- person
- picture
- previous
- printer
- question
- quote
- research
- shopping
- star
- stop
- stoplight
- tools
- wait
- warning
- web
- work
- x
The selected choice is applied to all selected notes, if more than one.
The menu will also list any custom badge artwork.