A number of attributes make it easier to show detail within containers - be they notes or agents:
- $InteriorScale, which allows setting of a scaling factor used when drawing the viewport contents. This allows more note detail to be shown or conversely a larger amount of the child map contents. Changing $InteriorScale forces a re-draw of the viewport.
- $MapScrollX and $MapScrollY. These control the X/Y co-ordinates of the child map that will be displayed at the horizontal/vertical centre of the container icon. Whether that actual point is visible in the viewport will depend on the $TitleHeight of the container.
The order/location of aliases seen in an agent can be moved and seen in more detail in an agent's viewport.
By clicking and dragging the map background within the viewport, the child map can be 'scrolled' within the viewport. Such a change updates the $MapScrollX/$MapScrollY for the container in question. Adornments cannot be drag-moved on a viewport map, drill down to do this.
Details maintained in container viewport display: Shapes, Progress bar mark-up (bar/vbar), map background colour, adornments, icon shadows - in fact pretty much everything except:
- the display of body text.
- table expression data.
- viewport data within containers, though containers on the viewport map that have container plots will still show these.
Notes being drawn in the interior of agents and containers respect both their own opacity and the opacity of their container. Thus, if a container is translucent, the notes inside it are also drawn translucently.