The note menu contains the following items (most are greyed out if focus is not in the main view):
- Create Note Create a new note, as next sibling to the current selection. If no selection, placement varies by view type.
- Hold Shift key to see alternate menu item: Create Child Note. The note added is created as a child of the current note and the last sibling child if children already exist.
- Create Agent Create a new agent, as next sibling to the current selection. If no selection, placement varies by view type.
- Create Separator (Outline only) / Create Adornment (Map only). View dependent:
- Add Composite (Map only, greyed out otherwise). If composites are present, links to the Composites sub-menu. Pre v7.2.0 this item was labelled 'Create composite'.
- Rename… Places selected item's title in Edit-in-Place mode.
- Split. This will split a note in two based on the selection in the text pane (cursor focus must be in the text pane). If the selection is empty, the note is split at the insertion point, otherwise the selection is extracted to a new note. The title of the new note is taken from the first sentence of its text.
- Get Info… Opens the Get Info pop-over for the current note.
- Navigate. Navigate will follow the first basic link from the current note, selecting its destination. From v7.5.3, for to-text links this scrolls the destination note to the link point and highlights the linked word.
- Go Back. Go Back will return to the note most recently selected. Disabled when the history is empty.
- Indent. Indents the selection one outline level, making them children of the items preceding the selection. Greyed out in map view. Using this from the text pane will indent the current paragraph.
- Unindent. Moves the selection up one outline level, making them siblings of the parent item of the selection. Greyed out in map view. Using this from the text pane will un-indent the current paragraph.
- Expand Horizontally (Map view only - otherwise greyed out). Tells Tinderbox to attempt to widen the note's map icon to display the whole note Name (title). The selected note's icon is expanded at the right side, maintaining existing height and X/Y origin. May be used in conjunction with Expand Vertically (below). The revised Map note width is retained for the test of the session and persisted if the TBX file is saved. This option is available when multiple notes are selected.
- Expand Vertically (Map view only - otherwise greyed out). Tells Tinderbox to attempt to increase the depth (height) of the note's map icon to display the whole note Name (title). The selected note's icon is expanded downward, maintaining existing width and X/Y origin. May be used in conjunction with Expand Horizontally (above). The revised Map note height is retained for the test of the session and persisted if the TBX file is saved. This option is available when multiple notes are selected.
- Expand Proportionally. Tells Tinderbox to expand notes proportionately if the note name is long.
- Shrink To Fit. (Map view only). Shrinks the map icon so as to fit the title of the current item(s).
- Explode… Opens the Explode pop-over.
- Link to selected text / Link to "[note name]". Only active if (a) the focus is in the $Text area, (b) there is a $Text selection and (c) there is an existing note whose $Name (note name) is a case-sensitive match for the selected text. If so, the destination note name is shown in the menu caption. When clicked, this creates a link, anchored on the current text selection, to the matching note. If the match is not unique, i.e. there are several same-named notes, the link is created to the first match when sorted by $OutlineOrder.
- Park link. Places a basic link, originating from the current note, in the main view parking link (any existing parked link is replaced)
- Make Web Link… Invokes the Create (Web) Link dialog for the current note.
- Footnote… Opens the Footnote sub-menu.
- Copy Note URL. Copies to the clipboard the Tinderbox protocol URL to address the current note from outside Tinderbox ($NoteURL).