This version is out of date, covering development from v5.0.0 to v5.12.2. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere.

Jump to the current version of aTbRef.

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Operator Type: 

Operator Scope of Action: 

Operator Purpose: 

Operator First Added: 

Operator Altered: 

 Function   [other Function type actions]

 Group   [operators of similar scope]

 Linking   [other Linking operators]

 Already in v5.0.0


This creates an untitled type basic link from item to the current note (i.e. an inbound link).

The item parameter must be quoted unless an attribute reference, e.g. "Some note" vs $MyString. Ways to define item.

From v5.9.0, item can be group scoped including use of group designators and operators like find,() collect() and links().

linkType (string). Optionally, instead of an 'untitled' link the link can be of linkType type. An untitled type link can be explicitly specified using the string "*untitled."

Both arguments are evaluated. This operator does not require a left-side argument, simply calling effects a result. A new link will not be created if a link of the stated type already exists.

Relevant similar operators: linkTo, unlinkTo, unlinkFrom.

From v5.1.0, use of this action does not shift note focus; in addition if item contains operators (brackets, plus, minus, etc.) Tinderbox will first look for a match to the literal item string and only if there is no match will the app try evaluating to operators and testing the resulting string. For example:

linkFrom("Example 1 (a test)") 

will link from the note named 'Example 1 (a test)'. If no note matches this string, Tinderbox will attempt to evaluate the string. Thus for:


will link from the note named '2+2' but if no match will look for a note named '4'.

A group-scope example:

links(find(inside(/urgent items)).outbound..$Name) 

returns a list of the $Name of all notes linked to, by any note type, from notes inside 'urgent items'.

From v5.10.1 this function can target an alias as opposed to an original (if the logical choice) and can accept a group scope.

Use in agents: beware that the action is working on an alias of the current note and note the current note itself. As originals and aliases support discrete basic links this function should not generally be used in an agent. The best way to use the function is by using a prototype and apply a $Rule to it thus running the code in all notes using the prototype.

Possible relevant notes (via "Similar Notes" feature):

A Tinderbox Reference File : Actions & Rules : Operators : Action Operator Functional Types : Function actions : linkFrom("[item|group]"[,linkType])