^any( group , attribute[, data] )^

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^any( group, attribute[, data] )^

A new family of HTML Export Markup Elements operates on groups of notes. Returns true if any member of the group has a value for the given attribute. Example:

^any(child, MyAttribute)^

Returns true if any of the group has a value for the attribute 'MyAttribute', and false otherwise. Always false if there are no members of group.

The extended syntax (added in v2.5.0) allows for an attribute value to be tested. Example:

^any(child, MyStatus, Ready)^

Returns any child of the current note for whom the attribute 'MyStatus' has a value of 'Ready'.

The extended syntax for group operators applies only to ^any^ and ^every^.

Internally, the any() operator may be used.

Up: Boolean Comparison
  Next: ^beginsWith( target, data )^ 

[Last updated: 3 Dec 2008]

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