This version is out of date, covering development as far as v4.2.5. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. Jump to the current version of aTbRef. |
A Tinderbox Reference File : Attributes : System Attribute List : Sort |
Sort |
Attribute Data Type: | string |
Attribute Default Value: | (not set - empty string) |
Atrribute Group: | Sorting |
Attribute Inherited from Preferences? | No |
Attribute Read-Only? | No |
Specifies the primary sort order for notes within containers (such as agents), based on an existing system or user attribute. In sorting A-Z precedes a-z, thus the sort order Aardvark, Boy, aardvark [sic].
A secondary sort is also allowed, such as where two notes have equal values under the main sort criterion. The secondary sort is set via SortAlso.
If unsure of allowed target attribute on which to sort, the best place to set a sort is via the note's naming panel (Enter key). If exposed via KeyAttributes, the value pop-up will only show values already sorted on within the document.
To reverse the sort order based on the given attribute, use SortBackward.
Up: Sorting Attributes | |
Next: SortAlso |
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