This version is out of date, covering development as far as v4.2.5. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. Jump to the current version of aTbRef. |
A Tinderbox Reference File : Attributes : System Attribute List : WordCount (or Wordcount) |
WordCount (or Wordcount) |
Attribute Data Type: | number |
Attribute Default Value: | (not set - 0) |
Atrribute Group: | Text |
Attribute Inherited from Preferences? | No |
Attribute Read-Only? | Yes |
Note: beware the lack of Caps in the second word, i.e Wordcount not WordCount as you might expect — there is no CamelCase spelling of the attribute name as with other attributes.
This returns the number of discrete words in the current note's text (q.v. TextLength for the total character count).
From version 3.0.5, either spelling - WordCount or Wordcount - may be used. For new files WordCount is a better choice for code but consider the old form if sharing files/code with users of older versions.
Up: Read-only system attributes | |
Previous: WebLinkCount |
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