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Attribute Data Type:   number
Attribute Default Value:   100
Atrribute Group:   Map
Attribute Inherited from Preferences?     No
Attribute Read-Only?   No

[Added v3.5.0] OutlineTextSize, lets you adjust the relative size of individual items in outline views.

The base font size of outline items (usually 10pt) is set as a Preference in the Maps section.

The new attribute is a numerical percentage of magnification applied to a particular note. Thus, if a note's OutlineTextSize is 200, it will be twice as large as normally-sized items.

This setting does not affect the line weight of separators, only the text height of the line they occupy (to allow for a text label.)

Up: Map Attributes
Previous: OutlineColorSwatch  Next: Pattern 

[Last updated: 3 Dec 2008]

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