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Attribute Data Type:   number
Attribute Default Value:   100
Atrribute Group:   Map
Attribute Inherited from Preferences?     No
Attribute Read-Only?   No

New to v3.5.0, MapTextSize, lets you adjust the relative size of names in the Map View. This option is chiefly useful for adornments, but can be useful to those wishing to tweak the look of their layout or allow for high-resolution screens and poor eyesight. The default is 100.

The base size of map items, at nominal magnification, continues to be set in Preferences, Maps, Note label size. This is indirectly inherits from Preferences. The attribute is a percentage of magnification applied to that note's Name caption text. Thus, if a note's MapTextSize is 200, it will be twice as large as normally-sized items.

Up: Map Attributes
Previous: MapPrototypeColor  Next: NameAlignment 

[Last updated: 3 Dec 2008]

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