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A Tinderbox Reference File : Agent Queries : Macros in Agents |
Macros in Agents |
From v4.0.0, macros are now more useful in agent queries.
A macro that evaluates to a Boolean value may now be evaluated in a query. For example, consider the macro
Macro: IsUrgent
Prototype="Task" & DueDate>"today-1 week" & Done=false
An agent may search for the query
the macro will be expanded and evaluated, Previously, the macro was expanded but not evaluated.
Macros can also be used in actions. Note however that the caret syntax ^do()^ is required in agent queries; conversely in actions it is not used, i.e. just do(). A little confusing is the fact that if statements in action do require the carets, until you realise that the method is evaluating a query (q.v.). Thus:
Up: Agent Queries | |
Previous: Controlling Agent Update Cycle Time |
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