Tinderbox User's Manual : Importing Notes

Importing Notes

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You have several options for moving text into Tinderbox:

To move moderate amounts of text between Tinderbox and another application, it may be easiest to copy and paste the text. This approach has the added benefit of giving you a chance to review your notes: arrange them, color-code them, consolidate related notes, and prune out notes that are out-of-date or irrelevant.

You can drag a text file into a Map view, then Explode it into several notes by specifying where Tinderbox should divide the notes.


Drag-and-drop can be the quickest way to add an entire text file to your Tinderbox document.

You can drag and drop:


Selecting a table in a spreadsheet and pasting it into Tinderbox will create a useful set of notes:


You can convert a large text file into several notes by specifying where Tinderbox should make the divisions.

The new notes will appear as children of the original note, a container called Exploded Text.

Delimiters you can use include:

\r (new exploded notes will begin with each Return)

\n (new exploded notes will begin with each new line)

\t (new exploded notes will begin with each tab)

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[Last updated: 26 Jul 2009]

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