Tinderbox User's Manual : Appendix 1: Attributes

Appendix 1: Attributes

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This appendix lists Tinderbox’s built-in System attributes and describes their program semantics — that is, their meaning and use within Tinderbox.

AGENT attributes pertain to agents. Other notes generally ignore these attributes.

AgentAction (string) - describes the action the agent performs, for instance, Color=red

AgentCaseSensitive (boolean) - if true, agent searches are case-sensitive

AgentPriority (number) - the more often the agent runs

AgentQuery (string) - the criterion for which the agent searches

APPEARANCE attributes pertain to the appearance of notes in various views.

Badge (string) - the name of the badge displayed for this note.

Border (number) - the size of a border around adornments and notes. If Border is zero, no border is drawn.

BorderBevel (string) - if "raised" the border is bevelled; if "normal" the border is a simple outline (adornments) or bevelled (notes). If "plain" it is a simple outline; if "none" the border is not drawn.

BorderColor (color) - specifies the color of the adornment’s border. The special keyword "automatic", draws an opaque border in the adornment's natural color. Adornments are otherwise translucent.

Color (color) - color of notes view.

Color2 (color) - a second color used by the Pattern attribute (see below).

Pattern (string) - fills the face of the note with a pattern in the Map view. Values include "lines", "gradient", "diagonal", "cylinder", "plot" and "bargraph".

PlotColor (color) - color used for drawing the plot() and bargraph() patterns for containers and agents.

Shadow (boolean) — turns drop shadows on or off

ShadowBlur (number) — in pixels, controls the blurriness of drop shadows.

ShadowColor (color) - controls the color of drop shadows

ShadowDistance (number) — in pixels, the offset distance between the note and its shadow.

Shape (string) — the name of the note's shape. The default shape is a rectangle; other shapes include "oval", lozenge", "diamond", "left tag". "tight tag", "bubble", "cloud".

GENERAL attributes pertain to all notes

ChildCount (number, read-only) - how many children the note has.

Container (string) - the path to the note that contains this note. Setting the value of Container will move the note to a new container.

Created (date, read-only) - time and date the note was created.

Creator (string, read-only) - user who created the note.

DescendantCount (number, read-only) - returns the number of descendants of a container.

DisplayExpression (string) - an expression used to compute the label of the note in Tinderbox views. If DisplayExpression is empty, the value of Name is used as the label of the note.

DisplayName (string, read-only) the displayed name computed by evaluating $DisplayExpression.

File (file) - identifies a file associated with this note, typically by having been dragged onto the File button.

InboundLinkCount (number, read-only) - returns the number of inbound basic links and text links.

IsPrototype (boolean) - whether this note is a prototype for other notes.

Modified (date, read-only) - time and date the note was last modified.

Name (string) - name of the note.

OnAdd (string) - an action (or list of actions, separated by semicolons) to be applied to notes when they are added to this container.

OutboundLinkCount (number, read-only) - returns the number of outbound basic links and text links, excluding Web links.

OutlineDepth (number, read-only) - the number of steps between a note and the document root ( top-level notes have OutlineDepth=1; notes inside a container have OutlineDepth=2, etc.).

OutlineOrder (number, read-only) - lets agents compare the position of this note to the overall document hierarchy.

Path (string, read-only) - the Tinderbox path to the note.

Private (boolean) - if true, omitted from Map and Out;live view prototype popup lists.

Prototype (string) - the note used as a model for this note.

PrototypeBequeathsChildren (boolean) - if true, children of the prototype will be cloned in notes that used the prototype.

ReadCount (number, read-only) — the number of times that this note’s text window has been opened (using Tinderbox 4.5 or later).

Rule (string) - describes the action the rule performs.

SelectionCount (number, read-only) — the number of times that this note has been selected (using Tinderbox 4.5 or later).

SiblingOrder ( number, read-only) - the SiblingOrder of the first child in a container is 1, the next child is 2, etc.

devoted to displaying the title, text, etc.

WebLinkCount (number, read-only) - counts the number of web links.

HTML attributes pertain to HTML export. Many of them contain the markup elements that Tinderbox exports to mark text styles, paragraphs, and lists. The most commonly-used HTML attributes may be inspected and edited in HTML View.

HTMLBoldEnd (string) - the closing tag for bold passages.

HTMLBoldStart (string) - the opening tag for bold passages.

HTMLCloud1End (string) - the closing tag for a list of the most common words in a note, section, or document.

HTMLCloud1Start (string) - the opening tag for a list of the most common words in a note, section, or document

HTMLCloud2End, HTMLCloud2Start, HTMLCloud3End, HTMLCloud3Start, HTMLCloud4End, HTMLCloud4Start, HTMLCloud5End, HTMLCloud5Start, operate as HTMLCloud1End and HTMLCloud1Start above.

HTMLDontExport (boolean) - if true, doesn't export the note to HTML when you export the document.

HTMLEntities (boolean) - if true, translates characters like '&' and '¢' into HTML entities.

HTMLExportAfter (string) - what's exported immediately after everything else in the note's text.

HTMLExportBefore (string) - what's exported immediately before a note's opening paragraph markup.

HTMLExportChildren (boolean) - if true, exports this note's children to HTML when you export the document.

HTMLExportCommand (string) - Allows you to apply a program or script to each exported HTML file. The exported file is piped to the standard input of the command line in HTMLExportCommand, and the file is replaced by command line's standard output.

HTMLExportExtension (string) - the suffix that should be added to the filename for exported HTML files.

HTMLExportFileName (string) - sets a specific name for a note's HTML file upon export to HTML. If empty, Tinderbox automatically generates a file name based on the note's title.

HTMLExportTemplate (file) - the template that should be used when exporting this note to HTML.

HTMLFileNameLowerCase (boolean) - if true, HTML file names must be in lowercase.

HTMLFileNameMaxLength (number) - maximum length for HTML file names.

HTMLFirstParagraphEnd (string) - the closing tag for a paragraph.

HTMLFirstParagraphStart (string) - the opening tag for a paragraph.

HTMLImageEnd (string) - the end of an image tag.

HTMLImageStart (string) - the start of an image tag.

HTMLIndentedParagraphEnd (string): the closing tag for a paragraph that begins, in Tinderbox, with a tab character.

HTMLIndentedParagraphStart (string): the opening tag for a paragraph that begins, in Tinderbox, with a tab character.

HTMLItalicEnd (string) - the closing tag for an italic passage.

HTMLItalicStart (string) - the opening tag for an italic passage.

HTMLListEnd (string) - the closing tag of an unordered list.

HTMLListItemEnd (string) - the closing tag of a list item.

HTMLListItemStart (string) - the opening tag of a list item.

HTMLListStart (string) - the opening tag of an unordered list.

HTMLMarkupText (boolean) - if true, Tinderbox uses HTML markup when exporting text to HTML.

HTMLOrderedListEnd (string) - the closing tag of an ordered list.

HTMLOrderedListStart (string) - the opening tag of an ordered list.

HTMLOverwriteImages (boolean) - can instruct Tinderbox not to overwrite existing images when exporting.

HTMLParagraphEnd (string) - the closing tag for a paragraph, other than the first paragraph.

HTMLParagraphStart (string) - the opening tag for a paragraph, other than the first paragraph.

HTMLQuoteHTML - (boolean) if true, Tinderbox includes examples of HTML in your text as HTML -- i.e., <p> will appear as <p>, not be translated into a paragraph break.

HTMLUnderlineEnd (string) - the closing tag of underline formatting.

HTMLUnderlineStart (string) - the opening tag of underline formatting.

IsTemplate (boolean) - indicates that the note is intended for use as an HTML or Text Export template.

MAP attributes pertain to the appearance of notes in Map view, and also some aspects of other views.

Height (number) - with Width, relative size of notes in the Map view.

InteriorScale (number) - the factor by which notes inside a container are smaller than the notes elsewhere in a map.

Lock (boolean) - if true, the item (adornment or note) can be selected but not repositioned.

MapBackgroundColor (color) - color of the background of the Map view.

MapBodyTextSize (number) —the font size of the text in which the body text is displayed in map view, if the note is large enough for body text to be displayed. If MapBodyTextSize is zero, Tinderbox will choose a suitable size.

MapTextSize (number) - the relative size of names in the Map view. Mainly useful for adornments. Expressed as an order of magnification, so changing this value from 100 to 200 would double the size (make it 200% of the original).

NameAlignment (string) - whether the title of notes and adornments should be left-justified, centered, or right-justified. Legal values include "left," "center," and "right".

NameBold (boolean) - if true, uses bold type for note names in maps, charts, and outlines.

NameColor (color) - the color of the name of the note. If unchanged, a color will be chosen automatically to contrast with the note color.

NameFont (string) - font of the name of a note in the Map view.

Pattern (string) - fills the face of the note with a pattern in the Map view. Values include "lines," "gradient," "diagonal," and "cylinder."

Shape (string) - the name of the hote's shape.

Sticky (boolean) - if true, objects that overlap the adornment will move when the adornment is moved.

TableExpression (string) - an expression used to generate summary tables for containers and agents. Columns are separated by the vertical bar character, "|".

TableHeading (string) — the column headings for the container or agent summary table. Columns are separated by the vertical bar character, "|".

TitleHeight (number) - the height of the note’s title bar, if the note is an agent or container. TitleHeight is expressed in map units, like Xpos and Height. If TitleHeight is zero, the height of the title bar is calculated automatically.

Width (number) - with Height, relative size of notes in the Map view.

Xpos (number) - with Ypos, coordinates of the note in the Map view (in the same units as Width and Height).

Ypos (number) - with Xpos, coordinates of the note in the Map view (in the same units as Width and Height).

NET attributes pertain to note content fetched from the Web

AutoFetch (boolean) - if true, automatically fetches content from the web into this note.

AutoFetchCommand (string) - typically invokes an outside program, perhaps fetching some information from the user's hard disk or network.

LastFetched (date, read-only) - when a note was last updated from the Web.

RawData (string) - contains a copy of AutoFetched information without ant further processing.

RSSChannelTemplate (file) - the template used for RSS channels when importing (AutoFetching) an RSS feed.

RSSItemLimit (number) - how many items to import from other people's RSS feeds. The default value, 0, means "import all items".

RSSItemTemplate (file) - the template used for RSS items when importing (AutoFetching) an RSS feed.

URL (string) - the URL used if this note fetches its content from the web.

ViewInBrowser (boolean) - if true, opening a text window indicated by the URL attribute on this note will also open the Web page in your browser.

OUTLINE attributes control the appearance of the note in outline view:

MapPrototypeColor (color) - the color used to highlight prototypes in outline view.

OutlineColorSwatch (boolean) - if true, outline views will display a small block reflecting the note's color and border.

OutlineTextSize (string) - adjust the relative size of items, such as individual notes, in outline view. Expressed as an order of magnification: changing the value from 100 to 200 doubles the size (makes it 200% of the original).

Separator (boolean) - designates a note in an outline as a separator, a horizontal line in the outline view that may be colored and titled like other notes. Separators appear normal in other views.

PEOPLE attributes are string attributes containing commonly-used information about people, including:







SORTING attributes pertain to the sorting of the contents of containers and agents (for example, an agent might gather all notes that are red, and sort them alphabetically by title).

Sort (string) - the primary sort order for notes, such as alphabetically by title.

SortAlso (string) - if two notes have equal Sort values (like the same title), Tinderbox uses SortAlso as a secondary sort key such as date of creation.

SortAlsoTransform (string) - sorts string attributes’ secondary sort order as “normal” (case-sensitive), case-insensitive, or “last word” (sorts on the last word of the element).

SortBackward (boolean) if true, the notes will be sorted backwards, for example, Z before A.

SortBackwardAlso (boolean) if true, the notes' secondary sort order will also go in reverse, for example, oldest notes first.

SortTransform (string) - sorts string attributes as “normal” (case-sensitive), case-insensitive, or “last word” (sorts on the last word of the element).

TEXTUAL attributes describe the note's text and related properties

ReadOnly (boolean) - if true, you can't modify the text in this note. It makes sense to set this to true for notes that fetch their contents from the web.

TextExportTemplate (file) - which text export template the note uses.

TextLength (number) - the character length of the note's text WordCount (number, read-only) - the number of words in the note's text.

WordCount (number, read-only) - the number of words in the note's text.

TEXTFORMAT attributes pertain to a note's text window

KeyAttributes (string) - separated by semicolons, the names of especially significant attribute-value pairs that are displayed at the top of the text window.

LeftMargin (number) - the size, in multiples of nine pixels, of the left margin.

LineSpacing (number) - adjusts the space between lines within a paragraph. Expressed as a percentage; 100 is "standard" line space while 200 would be "double-spaced".

ParagraphSpacing (number) - the amount of space (4, 6, 10, 12, 14, or 16 pt, or none) before and after paragraphs.

RightMargin (number) - the size, in multiples of nine pixels, of the left margin.

ShowTitle (boolean) - if true, the title of the note is drawn prominently at the top of the text window.

Tabs (string) - a semi-colon delimited list of intervals between tab stops, measured in inches.

TextAlign (string) - the alignment of rext within a text windwo or Map icon

TextBackgroundColor (color) - the color of the background of a note's main text section.

TextColor (color) - the normal color for body text.

TextFont (string) —the default or “plain” font for this note. The default value of TextFont is set in the text pane of Document Preferences. It is often useful to allow a class of related notes to inherit a specific TextFont from their prototype, in order to give a PhoneMessage or GroceryList a distinctive appearance.

TextFontSize (number) —the default text size for this note. The default value of TextFontSize is set in the text pane of Document Preferences.

TextSidebar (boolean) - true if a note’s sidebar should be visible, and false if it should be hidden.

TitleBackgroundColor (string) - controls the background color of the title pane in text spaces; defaults to Text settings in the Preferences dialog.

TitleFont (string) - the font for the title displayed if the ShowTitle attribute is set to true.

TitleForegroundColor (string) - controls the foreground color of the title pane in text spaces; defaults to Text settings in the Preferences dialog.

WEBLOG attributes pertain to remote weblogging

WeblogPostID (string) - ID for weblog APIs such as MovableType, Blogger, and Radio Userland.

mt_allow_comments (boolean) - if true, MovableType weblogs will allow comments.

mt_allow_pings (boolean) - if true, MovableType weblogs allow pings to weblogs.com.

mt_convert_breaks (boolean) - if true, MovableType adds its own markup to discover paragraph breaks.

mt_keywords (string) - lets users specify one or more categories for MovableType and related weblogs.

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[Last updated: 26 Jul 2009]

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