This version is out of date, covering development from v9.0.0 to v9.3.0. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. It is no longer actively updated.

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Treemap Settings pop-over

Treemap Settings pop-over

This is the configuration pop-up for the current Treemap view. Note that none of these setting are saved as attributes but the are saved as part of the Tab's data.

  • Treemap Expression. Enter an attribute name or action code expression. Used to derive a number used to set each item's area. Items with a value of zero are not drawn at all. Non-Number attributes return a value of 1 if they have a set/inherited value: i.e. string-based are not empty, booleans are true. The default is no no expression code.
  • Color Expression. An action code expression use to colour each note. The colour used is a shade between the start/end colours set below. The minimum value uses the start colour, the maximum the end colour with other values using a shade between the two. The default is no no expression code.
  • Start. The starting colour used of shading treemap items. The colour chip opens a standard OS colour palette. The default is an off-white #FFFEF9.
  • End. The ending colour used of shading treemap items. The colour chip opens a standard OS colour palette. The default is a muted light green #CCD4C0.
  • Border Color. Enter the Tinderbox colour (named or hex value) used to draw the border of each item. Or use an expression resolving to a named or hex colour value. If not specified, items draw with a border of $Color. The default is no value (i.e. use $Color).
  • Maximum Depth. Allows display of only the N upper levels of the treemap. This can sometimes improve clarity of presentation.