This version is out of date, covering development from v9.0.0 to v9.3.0. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. It is no longer actively updated.

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Hyperbolic view controls

Hyperbolic view controls

In hyperbolic view a number of controls are shown at the top of the view:

  • Spacing: controls the distance (in hyperbolic space) between notes, and simultaneously adjusts (again, in hyperbolic space) the size of each note. So, increasing the spacing makes notes farther apart and bigger.
  • Highlight: emboldens a selected path
  • Aspect Ratio: changes the ratio between the height and width of the notes. Again, this is in hyperbolic geometry; notes not near the centre are not rectangles.
  • Scale: At small scale (fully to the left), the entire with of the hyperbolic disc is shown. If the view is wider than it is high, the regions near the north and south poles will be offscreen. At larger scale, more of the edges are moved offscreen, so you see only near the centre of the view. Pinch-zoom adjusts scale, too, as does "smart magnify" (two-finger double-tap).
  • Cross Links: Unticked (default) turns off cross links, which frequently obscure complex documents.
  • Spread: Determines the angle between child nodes.