This version is out of date, covering development from v9.0.0 to v9.3.0. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. It is no longer actively updated.

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Any notes containing other notes, i.e. in outline terms having child notes, is considered a 'container.' At the most trivial level this allows notes to be nested inside other notes. For instance, a 'Section' container might contain a series of 'Chapter' notes.

Containers are most useful for structured projects that will mostly be viewed in outline or chart view. In map view, only sibling notes within a a single container are visible on the map. Containers on the current map draw a 'viewport' showing a part of its child map.

Agents are a special class of container, as their children consist of an an alias to every note matching the query stored in their $AgentQuery attribute.

Adornments (map view only) are not strictly containers but act like containers in that they have OnAdd and OnRemove actions and support the inside() action query.