The term 'quick list' describes Tinderbox's ability to recognise certain characters in $Text as indicating an indented list and to export that list in several forms. Thus Tinderbox recognises as unordered lists paragraphs that begin with one or more asterisks or bullets:
* like this example
** use two or more asterisks to embed lists within lists
The above gives this sort of HTML output :
- like this example
- use two or more asterisks to embed lists within lists
- like this example
- use two or more asterisks to embed lists within lists
…also as ordered lists, those paragraphs that begin with one or more hash marks
# like this example
## use two or more hashes to embed lists within lists
The above gives this sort of HTML output:
- like this example
- use two or more hashes to embed lists within lists.
List types can be mixed. For instance:
* like this example
## use hashes to get numbered lists
## numbered lists can be in bulleted lists
* and so on
That gives:
- like this example
- use hashes to get numbered lists
- numbered lists can be in bulleted lists
- and so on
Tinderbox will indent whole paragraphs beginning with an asterisk or hash, by one tab-width per quick list symbol. A quick list item starting with 3 asterisks will show in TB as a paragraph indented 3 tab-widths.
Several attributes and preferences control quick list handling in note windows and at export:
- At app or document level quick list indentation can be disabled entirely by a Text Preference, though HTML export of quick lists will still work.
- Indenting of quick list text within a note text window only, and without affecting list creation on export, can be controlled by $AutomaticIndent.
- If $HTMLMarkupText is set to false (the non-default setting), all list indenting is turned off and all mark-up for export, including quick lists, is disabled e.g. paragraph tags, HTML entities, etc. This choice is useful if exporting notes holding code (CS, JavaScript) which must be exported verbatim; the export template would still just use ^text^ but the note's $Text would be inserted into the output verbatim, without any modification.
- If $IsTemplate is true, the effect is the same as setting $HTMLMarkupText to false, effectively overwriting the latter's current setting to ensure templates perform as expected.
- If the $HTMLListItemStart and $HTMLListItemEnd attributes are empty, all quick lists, as defined by lines starting with an * or a #, are disabled and content is exported verbatim (i.e. including the * or # markers).
- Outputting text using ^value($Text)^ ignores quick list markup and the list source is exported verbatim.
Unordered lists can be indicated using either an asterisk (*) or a bullet ().
To stop a quick list character at the start of a line from being interpreted as quick list markup, either:
- Place an Option+space character at the start of the line.
- Use the HTML encoded symbol for that character, e.g. replace '#' with '#', or '*' with '*' etc.