Code Type:
Code Scope of Action:
Code First Added:
Code Altered:
^if( condition )^
^if( condition )^ ^endIf^
^if( condition )^ ^else^ ^endIf^
Test the condition, resolving to a true or false result:
- if the condition is true, then includes everything from the ^if()^ statement to the ^else^ or the ^endif^.
- if the condition is false, then include nothing, or if an ^else^ branch is offered, include everything after the ^else^ statement to the ^end^.
Though an ^endIf^ closing marker is not mandatory, users—especially if new to export code—are advised to add one as it gives more clarity as to the end of the output of a true match to condition. If the else/endIf mark-up is omitted the text following the closing )^ of the if tag of the condition is returned up to the end of the current line/paragraph (i.e. up to the next line break in the template source code).
Unlike in very early versions of the app (and thus old examples, the condition statement is a query written in action code (essentially the same syntax as if writing an if() action test. For example,
^if($Name.contains("tbx"))^Matched 'tbx' string.^endIf^
…is true if the note's title contains the string "tbx", and exports the string "Matched 'tbx' string.". For a reversed test:
^if(!$Name.contains("tbx"))^No matched 'tbx' string.^endIf^
…is true if the note's title does not contain the string "tbx", and exports the string "No matched 'tbx' string.". For a numerical test:
^if($Width>5)^The $Width is greater than 5.^endIf^
…is true if the note's width exceeds 5.0 and exports out the string "The $Width is greater than 5."
For the first two examples above the value matched can be an actual string or a regular expression.
Using an ^else^ logic branch, different information can be exported for true and for false condition matches. Thus:
^if($Width>5)^The $Width is greater than 5.^else^The $Width is 5.0 or less.^endIf^
…which, depending on the outcome exports out either the string "The $Width is greater than 5." or the string "The $Width is 5.0 or less."
In the ^if^ condition, the condition query is always evaluated in the context of this note.
Note there is no extended branching form, such as an 'else if' method. For that, nest further ^if()^ tests in the negative result branch (i.e. after the ^else^).