This pop-over gives a visual method for setting a number of timeline-related settings for the current Timeline view:
- Width. This adjusts the scale of the bottom scale, i.e. how much horizontal distance there is between days or months, etc.
- Scale Color. A trio of standard colour controls set the main colour used in the scale bar at the bottom of the timeline. $TimelineScaleColor.
- Band Color. A trio of standard colour controls set the colour a tint of which is used to draw alternate timeline bands ($TimelineColor). The actual colour set is a 'lighter' shade of the colour set in the controls.
- Label Color. A trio of standard colour controls set the colour used to draw timeline band labels ($TimelineBandLabelColor).
- Label Opacity. Sets the opacity with which timeline band labels are drawn ($TimelineBandLabelOpacity).
- Labels. Sets the labels used for timeline bands ($TimelineBandLabels).
- Start. Sets $TimelineStart.
- End. Sets $TimelineEnd.
- Include:
- Aliases. Sets $TimelineAliases.
- Descendants. Sets $TimelineDescendants.
- Attributes:
- Start. Choose and alternative Date-type attribute for plotting event start instead of $StartDate.
- End. Choose and alternative Date-type attribute for plotting event end instead of $EndDate.