This version is out of date, covering development from v9.0.0 to v9.3.0. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. It is no longer actively updated.

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Chart Settings pop-over

Chart Settings pop-over

This is the configuration pop-up for the current Chart view:

  • Border. Default: un-ticked. If ticked a thin border is drawn around each item on the chart.
  • Vertical. Default: un-ticked. If tick-ed, the chart is drawn from top-to-bottom of the screen as opposed to the default left-to-right layout
  • Centered. Default: ticked. If un-ticked, the item top aligns (default layout) or left aligns (vertical layout) with the line from the parent item.
  • Item Width. Scrubber control sets the width of chart items
  • Vertical Spacing. Scrubber control sets the amount of vertical spacing between chart items.
  • Horizontal Spacing. Scrubber control sets the amount of horizontal spacing between chart items.
  • Connecting Lines pop-up:
    • Orthogonal. (Default) Lines interconnecting items are drawn using horizontal and vertical sections.
    • Straight. Lines interconnecting items are drawn using straight lines.
    • Curved. Lines interconnecting items are drawn using bezier curves.

A Tinderbox Reference File : Dialogs : Chart Settings pop-over