Attribute Data Type:
Attribute Default Value:
Attribute Group:
Attribute Purpose:
Attribute Inherited from Preferences?
Attribute UI-configurable?
Attribute Read-Only?
Attribute Intrinsic?
Attribute First Added:
Attribute Altered:
number [other number-type attributes]
(not set - 0)
Appearance [other Appearance Group attributes]
Map item badge configuration
No [other read-only attributes]
No [other intrinsic attributes]
Sets the size of the badge in map view.
If zero (default), the default badge size is used. When setting a value, the number used should be the pixel count. Badge icons are square and the default set are 32x32 pixels. Thus setting a value of 16 would show a 32x32 pixel badge at half normal size (16px).
The Badge Picker pop-over automatically sets $BadgeSize to 32 when selecting badges from the Avatar family; an even-larger badge may sometimes be desirable.
The 'Large' tick-box on the Appearance Inspector ▸ Interior tab, sets this attribute to a value of 64.