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- AccessDate
- ArticleTitle
- Author2
- Author3
- Author4
- Authors
- BookTitle
- CallNumber
- DEVONthinkGroup
- DEVONthinkLabel
- Edition
- EvernoteNotebook
- Issue
- Journal
- NotesFolder
- NotesID
- NotesModified
- NoteURL
- Pages
- PublicationCity
- PublicationYear
- Publisher
- ReferenceDictionary
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- ReferenceTitle
- ReferenceURL
- RefFormat
- RefKeywords
- RefType
- ScrivenerID
- ScrivenerKeywords
- ScrivenerLabel
- ScrivenerLabelID
- ScrivenerNote
- ScrivenerStatus
- ScrivenerStatusID
- ScrivenerType
- SimplenoteKey
- SimplenoteModified
- SimplenoteSync
- SimplenoteTags
- SimplenoteVersion
- SourceCreated
- SourceModifed
- SourceURL
- Tot
- UpdateTextLinksAfterRename
- Volume
- WatchFolder