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^sectionNumber( item )^
The hierarchical number of the item (note) based on the present hierarchy and outline sort order (i.e. it changes if the source Tinderbox file layout is altered); a number such as 1.3.2 is the second grandchild of the third child of the first top level note. It is the $SiblingOrder number of each ancestor joined by periods.
If item is omitted, e.g. as ^sectionNumber^, the number exported is that of the current note and is equivalent to ^sectionNumber(this)^
If trying to do calculations based on this data, bear in mind that adornments, although not shown outside Map view, number as the last sibling in the level on whose Map they appear.
The ^sectionNumber^
of this page's source note is:
Or use ^value(if($OutlineDepth >1){collect(ancestor,$SiblingOrder).reverse.format(".")+"."+$SiblingOrder;}else{$SiblingOrder};)^