Information relating to visual display of notes, agents and adornments. Although title 'Map' these display settings are also used to varying degrees in other sorts of Tinderbox Views.
- AdornmentFont
- Base
- Bend
- Direction
- Fill
- FillOpacity
- Height
- HoverFont
- InteriorScale
- LeafBase
- LeafBend
- LeafDirection
- LeafTip
- Lock
- MapBackgroundAccentColor
- MapBackgroundColor
- MapBackgroundColor2
- MapBackgroundFill
- MapBackgroundFillOpacity
- MapBackgroundPattern
- MapBackgroundShadow
- MapBodyTextColor
- MapBodyTextSize
- MapScrollX
- MapScrollY
- MapTextSize
- NameAlignment
- NameBold
- NameColor
- NameFont
- NameLeading
- NameStrike
- PlotBackgroundColor
- PlotBackgroundOpacity
- PlotColorList
- Sticky
- SubtitleColor
- SubtitleOpacity
- SubtitleSize
- TableExpression
- TableHeading
- Tip
- TitleHeight
- TitleOpacity
- Width
- Xpos
- Ypos