This version is out of date, covering development from v7.0.0 to v7.5.6. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. It is no longer actively updated.

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Charts and outlines have:

Charts and outlines have:

Charts and outlines have:

Two features to assist with legibility when using lighter colours and colour schemes. Some colours (e.g. yellow, pastels) are hard to see against a light background. The effects can be applied singly or together.

  • Darker colors. This darkens the colours used for drawing outline text & icons. Default is 'on' (ticked - previously was 'off'). However, this does make most colours harder to tell apart, and it is worth trying out documents with this setting off. In documents that use 'Darker colors' in outlines, the selection highlight also uses the darkened colour.
  • Black titles. This enforces the display of all note titles in charts and outlines in black, without regard to the note's $Color value. Default is 'off' (un-ticked).