A sub-menu of the Arrange menu. The cleanup is effected on the map view selection, if 2 or more notes are selected, otherwise the whole map is cleaned up. Use Undo (Cmd+Z) if you make a mistake. The clean-up layout is anchored on the map position of the note with the lowest $OutlineOrder value. Options are:
- To Grid. Rearranges all the notes in the map into a rectangular grid.
- To Row. Arranges all icons in a single horizontal row.
- To Column. Arranges all icons in a single vertical column.
- To Box. Arranges all notes in an open rectangle. Best with more than 8 notes.
On completion of a cleanup operation the map will be scrolled, if necessary so that some notes are in view. If the whole map is being re-arranged, this will normally be the top left corner of the map.