This version is out of date, covering development from v7.0.0 to v7.5.6. It is maintained here only for inbound reference links from elsewhere. It is no longer actively updated.

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Font sub-menu

Font sub-menu

This sub-menu of the Format menu contains these items:

  • Show/Hide Fonts. Toggle the OS Font dialog.
  • Bold. Sets the selected text to Bold. Note that the selection's current font must have a Bold variant.
  • Italic. Sets the selected text to Italic. Note that the selection's current font must have a Italic variant.
  • Underline. Sets the selected text to Underline.
  • Strike Through. Sets the selected text to Strikethrough.
  • Bigger. Increases selected text size by 1 point (e.g. 14pt to 15 pt).
  • Smaller. Decreases selected text size by 1 point (e.g. 14pt to 13 pt).
  • Kern. Opens the Kern sub-menu.
  • Ligature. Opens the Ligature sub-menu.
  • Baseline. Opens the Baseline sub-menu.
  • Show/Hide Colors. Toggles the OS 'Colors' colour picker palette.
  • Copy Style. Copies the text style of the current selection (including the paragraph ruler) to the clipboard.
  • Paste Style. Reformats the selection (including the paragraph ruler) using the text style on the clipboard, if one is found.
