The Find results for main view searches are shown in a pop-over. The pop-over can be torn off to give a more persistent record of the search results.
[list of matching notes]. The list are shows notes matching the Find criteria. Results are listed by note title ($Name) sorted in the default, lexical, sort order. A lexical sort is used means that instances of the same word in different letter case do not sort together: Ant, Bee, ant
and not Ant, ant, Bee
as a non-coder might assume. To have greater control over the sorting of results or to get a count of matches, use an agent instead of Find.
For notes where the match is in $Text, the (first) match context is sown in a second line of listing with the match highlighted. Matches for note title or user attribute value use a single line listing.
Clicking on a list item makes that note the context of the front window's text pane. Listed notes are rendered in using $Color.
The pop-over has a search input box (from which a new search can be run) and a tick-box to alter the case-sensitivity of searches. All aliases are filtered but can be shown by ticking the 'aliases' tick-box. In both cases the tick-box selection refreshed the pop-over/dialog listing without the need to re-run the Find.
Found items are grouped to show items in current context and those elsewhere in the document. The group heading lists the number of items in that section of the list.
The Find window can match outline separators and map adornments.
From v7.5.0, a contextual menu lets the right-clicked-on list item be opened in a new tear-off text window or in a new tab. Shift-double-click on a listed item will also open the result in a new tab.