Attribute Data Type:
Attribute Default Value:
Attribute Group:
Attribute Purpose:
Attribute Inherited from Preferences?
Attribute Read-Only?
Attribute Intrinsic?
Attribute First Added:
Attribute Altered:
boolean [other boolean-type attributes]
Map [other Map Group attributes]
Map configuration
Controls whether moving an adornment also drags any notes on top of it.
This attribute may also set by ticking a new box in the adornment dialog.
If an adornment is sticky, objects (including other adornments, notes, agents, and containers) that overlap the adornment will move when the adornment is repositioned. This makes it much easier to work with very large, complex maps.
Note that, while moving a sticky adornment moves notes on top of it, you can still move those notes without affecting the sticky adornment.
A check-box 'Sticky' appears in the adornment's dialog window.