The item tag is used to contain a single note (or similar object) of data:
<item ID="3444070141" Creator="John Doe">
[nested outline objects or current item attribute tags]</item>
The item tag has two attributes:
- ID. The $ID of the object.
- Creator. The user name set in preferences (and as passed into $Creator).
- proto. Optional - only set if the note uses a prototype. If it does, the value (the prototype's name) is stored here - and not as a child attribute tag.
<item ID="3444070141" Creator="John Doe" proto="Person" ></item>
Besides nested outline objects, the item may enclose the following per-item attribute-related tags:
Attributes, other than the defaults listed below are only written to file if they hold locally set values. Attributes that use preference-default or prototype-inherited values are not stored as these values are calculated on the fly during use. For an item, the following default (intrinsic) attributes are always stored:
- Name
- Created
- Modified
- Xpos
- Ypos