Attribute Data Type:
Attribute Default Value:
Attribute Group:
Attribute Purpose:
Attribute Inherited from Preferences?
Attribute Read-Only?
Attribute Intrinsic?
Attribute First Added:
Attribute Altered:
string [other string-type attributes]
(not set - empty string)
HTML [other HTML Group attributes]
HTML export file configuration
Specific filename to be used for the note's exported HTML page instead of default calculated name.
If left empty, Tinderbox automatically generates a filename based on the note's title.
Note that a string set for this attribute should be the desired filename without its extension — i.e. 'index' not index.html'.
Automatic filenames strip unsafe (see below) characters from the note title and truncate the resulting string to the number of characters set in $HTMLFileNameMaxLength (where the default is 24). The case of characters in the exported name will be as per the note title except if $HTMLFileNameLowerCase is 'true'.
Default: (not set - empty string)
To avoid filename naming collisions, Tinderbox has to check if the intended export name already exists in the currently exported-to folder. If a duplicate name might arise, a suffix will be added. Simplistically, if file "abc.html" is already being exported to the current folder, another note that would export with that name will be exported as "abc_1.html" (and -@, _3, etc.).
Because the filename might change on export, Tinderbox does not return a value for eval($HTMLExportFileName)
; an exception is if this attribute already has an explicitly set value. The workaround is to use ^file()^ - noting that the latter returns both file name and extension rather than just the name portion.
As Windows-OS webservers support fewer characters in file paths/names that other OSs, the following characters are suppressed when generating filenames from $Name:
[space] / \ ? % * : | ' " < > . & + ( ) ! #
Further manipulation is available via $HTMLExportFileNameSpacer.
$HTMLExportPath evaluates the likely exported filename and path.