
Tinderbox Icon

The color listed as 'automatic' is used by the NameColor and BorderColor attributes; note the lowercase initial letter - automatic - as the spelling is case-sensitive.

In the NameColor context Tinderbox toggles the text color from black to White and vice-versa depending on the color value in 'Color'. In the context of BorderColor the bevel colors used are lighter and darker gradations of the value specified for 'Color' so as to not contrast unduly with the main 'face' color of the note (especially in Map view).

If automatic is displayed as a Key Attribute, the color chip for 'automatic' always shows as a dark red (#6F0000) regardless of the color actually used, e.g. NameColor may show as white in Map view but as dark red in the note's color chip. If color attributes that don't support the 'automatic' token are set to the value 'automatic' the resulting color actually used is #6F0000. In some later versions, this 'mis-set' color equates to a green, #00D001.

This value cannot be customised by the user, unlike other named colors.

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[Last updated: 14 Dec 2009, using v5.0]

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