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A Tinderbox Reference File : Export Codes : Export Codes - Full Listing : ^indent( [data] )^ | aTbRef Site Map |
^indent( [data] )^ |
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Code Type: | Export Mark-up |
Code Scope of Action: | item |
^indent( [data] )^
Exports the data as a string (sequence of characters) for each ancestor of the currently exported note.
Exports a tab character for each ancestor of the currently exported note except root level, i.e. a tab is the default indent if no data parameter is supplied.
For web use, tabs are ignored for white space so consider using one or more " " space HTML entities as the data value.
This note is at Outline Depth 4 in its source TBX file, so ^indent(string)^ will emit the string value 3 times . Thus, if we use a hyphen as the indent's string value, you see:
---Text indented with ^indent(-)^
More examples:
Text indented with ^indent( )^
Text indented with ^indent^ (i.e. a tab)
Note how in the HTML output the third example isn't visually indented as tabs aren't interpreted as white space mark-up in HTML. If you view the HTML source for the page, you'll see example #2 has output 4 " " non-breaking space HTML entities. For example #3, you'll see 4 tabs have been output; depending on the program viewing the source you may be able to 'see' these as tabs by moving the cursor through the source code with the arrow keys - you'll see it jump from tab to tab.
Root level notes are not indented.
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