^contains( target, data )^

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Code Type:   Boolean Comparison
Code Scope of Action:   item

^contains( target, data )^

If the data (string or pattern) is somewhere within the target string this condition is true. Comparisons are always case-sensitive.

If the data is a pattern this means a fixed string is substituted with a regular expression; it may contain wild cards, character ranges, etc.


^contains(Lemon Tree,emo)^ is: true

^contains(Lemon Tree,ora)^ is: false

^contains(^text^, blah)^ (search this note's body text)

^contains(^title(parent)^, blah)^ (do as above but for its parent)

^contains(^directory^, blah)^ (check this note's path)

^contains(^text^, [0-9])^ (search this note's body text for numerical characters)

Note that the beginning of line marker character, ^ (as used in Regular Expression patterns) needs to be doubled because Tinderbox would otherwise interpret it as beginning a mark-up element. Thus:

^contains(^text,^^P)^ looks for lines beginning with a capital P

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[Last updated: 14 Dec 2009, using v5.0]

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