
Tinderbox Icon

Attribute Data Type:   action
Attribute Default Value:   (not set - empty string)
Atrribute Group:   Map
Attribute Inherited from Preferences?     No
Attribute Read-Only?   No

A display of tabular information about a container's child notes in map icons is determined by the action attribute TableExpression. This is one of several Tinderbox display expressions. For example, if TableExpression is


Tinderbox will draw a two-column table containing the Name and WordCount of the first few children of the container. The "|" character (often called a vertical bar or pipe) separates the columns of the table.

Optional column headings can be specified via TableHeading.

From v4.7.0, the expression code may be conditional.

Up: System Attribute List
Previous: Sticky  Next: TableHeading 

[Last updated: 14 Dec 2009, using v5.0]

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