
Tinderbox Icon

Attribute Data Type:   number
Attribute Default Value:   (not set - 0)
Atrribute Group:   General
Attribute Inherited from Preferences?     No
Attribute Read-Only?   Yes

SiblingOrder is a read-only number attribute.

The SiblingOrder of the first child in a container is '1'. The SiblingOrder of the next child is '2', and so on.

The sibling order is effectively the the OutlineOrder but only (numbered) for the current container.

The lowest number is drawn at the front in a map. If notes with sibling orders #1 and #5 overlap, part of #5 will be behind the icon for #1.

The note menu command to move a note forward/backward or all the way to the back/front will alter both OutlineOrder and SiblingOrder for the affected note(s).

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[Last updated: 14 Dec 2009, using v5.0]

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