
Tinderbox Icon

Attribute Data Type:   number
Attribute Default Value:   1.5
Atrribute Group:   Map
Attribute Inherited from Preferences?     No
Attribute Read-Only?   No

InteriorScale is an attribute and is the factor by which notes inside a container are smaller than notes elsewhere in a map. The default value is 1.5. If InteriorScale is 2, then interior (child) notes are half their normal map size. InteriorScale is inherited via a Map Preference - Map interior scale.

Larger magnifications (values) give somewhat more detail of interior notes, i.e. a greater number of lower level notes visible within the 'viewport' area of container notes in Map View. Thus, to increase the number of lower level note icons seen, for a given container viewport size, increase the value of InteriorScale.

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[Last updated: 14 Dec 2009, using v5.0]

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