
Tinderbox Icon

Attribute Data Type:   boolean
Attribute Default Value:   true
Atrribute Group:   HTML
Attribute Inherited from Preferences?     No
Attribute Read-Only?   No

When 'true', characters like ampersands and accented characters are converted into HTML entities, i.e. & becomes &.

Added the degree symbol to the characters turned into entities. Swiss, French and German quote styles are automatically detected and 'entified' without needing to resort to this setting.

^getFor^ and ^get^ (and other export markup elements) check this attribute before encoding values.

English typographic quotation marks “ ” and ‘ ’ are exported as HTML entities rather than straight quotes, e.g. “ for “ left curly double quotes.

The symbol € is exported as €.

Δ is exported as Δ, δ as δ, μ as μ and ∑ as ∑.

Up: Boolean Attributes
Previous: HTMLDontExport  Next: HTMLExportChildren 

[Last updated: 14 Dec 2009, using v5.0]

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