The Views menu contains the following items:
- Magnify. This decreases the view zoom level by a factor of 1 (otherwise use the View zoom pop-up).
- Shrink. This decreases the view zoom level by a factor of 1 (otherwise use the View zoom pop-up).
- Expand View. This moves the current view 'up' one level. It is the same effect as clicking once on a view windows 'Up Arrow' icon (greyed out at top level). Although there is no menu item, the opposite keyboard short cut to this method achieves a 'drill down' one level if the current note is a container.
- Hide/Show sidebar. Toggles visibility of the Note text view's sidebar. If the window is not big enough to support a sidebar the item is greyed out with the caption "Too narrow for sidebar".
- New Map View. Opens a new Map view, based on the current note's level.
- New Chart View. Opens a new Chart view, based on the current note.
- New Outline View. Opens a new Outline view, based on the current note.
- New Treemap View. Opens a new Treemap view, based on the current note.
- New Explorer View. Opens a new Explorer view, based on the current note. If an Explorer view is already open this option is greyed out.
- New HTML View. Opens a new HTML view, based on the current note.
- New Nakakoji View. Opens a new Nakakoji view text export window, based on the current note.
- Hypertext Status. Opens the Hypertext Status (TBX file info) view.
- History. Opens the History view.
- Path View. Opens the Paths view.
- Common Words. Opens the Common Words view.