The following <tab>
tag attributes refer specifically to Outline view:
- showColumns. Column view state. Default is 0 (no columns), also 1 (columns shown). Note: this value appears to be discrete to that of Attribute Browser use of column view.
- usingCheckboxes. Checkbox state. Default is 0 (no checkboxes), also 1 (checkboxes shown).
- columnString. A string list of displayed column name/width/format. Default is an empty string "". Example: "_(218);MyNumber(100;2);MyDate(100;l);" The three possible parts are:
- Column name, an attribute title. In this example "_' is column #1 which is always the $Name but which is never titled.
- Column width (pixels). Stored in parentheses. Default is 100 (pixels?)
- Optional formatting data string. This is omitted where not pertinent. Where used it is placed after a semicolon after the column width inside the latter's parentheses.
- showFilter. Show/hide Outline filter bar. Default is 0 (hidden).
Note that Attribute Browser view shares the Outline's columnString attribute, changing the columns in either alters the shared setting at tab level. Thus switching the tab's displayed view type between Outline and Attribute Browser view will retain strings. Outline view (only) can show/hide the columns; unless all extra columns are deleted the tab stores the most recently used settings.
See also—notes linking to here: