The traditional sequences (though inevitably there are different 'traditions' are that footnote marker symbols run, in sequence *, †, ‡, §, ¶, # then loop **, ††, etc. The symbols are normally used in superscript inline in the body text, and the footnote on the normal baseline but in a smaller type size.
But how do you type these on a Mac? The key presses below are for an en-gb (UK layout) and so may differ, but to check, use the macOS Keyboard Viewer—see below for how to open it. Also note some of these symbols can vary in appearance a lot depending on the font in use. So, to make the above symbols:
- asterisk: * (Shift+8)
- dagger: † (Option+t)
- double dagger: ‡ (Shift+Option+7)
- section marker, or 'silcrow': § ('§' key , left of the '1' key)
- paragraph marker, or 'blind P', or 'pilcrow: ¶ (Option+7)
- hash or pound or number-sign or 'octothorpe': # (Option+3)
Different languages/areas have different key assignments. The easiest way to see the characters available to be typed when using the Command/Option/Control/Shift keys as modifiers is to open the macOS's Keyboard viewer.
macOS 'Keyboard viewer' palette. If unsure how to do this, see Apple's instructions: what you need to do so open it depends on the current customisation of your Mac. Once the Keyboard viewer is open, the display of keys update as the modifier keys are pressed to show whet symbol a keypress with output.
Footnote markers and Markdown. If using footnote symbols in text that also used markdown, do not use the asterisk or hash symbols as these get mis-read as Markdown codes. At the beginning of a line * (bullet item) and # (numbered bullet item) and an asterisk inline in treat indicated the beginning or end of italics. However † through ¶ are safe in this context
Typing unicode-only symbols. If the desired symbol can't be seen (typed) via the Keyboard viewer, try the Emoji & Symbols palette (Ctrl+Cmd+space), find the desired unicode character and double-click the symbol to type it into your text. See also a list of Unicode values for Apple keyboard symbols such as ⌥ for Option, as listed here.
Footnotes in Tinderbox. The symbols above are for general typographic use. Tinderbox's system for generating (internal) footnote notes does not use footnote marker symbols.