Tinderbox v10 Icon

Fine-tuning query search results using $Searchable

It is possible to exclude individual notes (and agents) by setting an item-scope Boolean $Searchable.

By setting a false value for $Searchable, that item is excluded from searches even if otherwise matching search criteria. This makes it easier to exclude behind-the-scenes notes like templates, prototypes, and general framework containers for normal searches whist allowing content to be intermingled. Previously, such items were excluded by storing them away from primary content in a different outline branch or map.

Features using $Searchable

The following honour the $Searchable setting:

Search features that ignore the $Searchable setting:

In summary, all search methods except view pane Find use $Searchable.

Scope of objects affected

The following types of object use $Searchable settings:

The attribute affects notes, containers, agents and aliases (see below).

The following types of object do not use $Searchable settings (i.e. setting the attribute has no effect):

Scope of setting

The attribute is intrinsic so may be set separately for aliases, for instance ensuring a particular alias is matched rather than its original.

See also—notes linking to here: