Tinderbox v10 Icon

^outboundTextLinks( [start, list-item-prefix, list-item-suffix, end, type] )^

Export Code Type: 

Export Code Scope of Action: 

Export Code First Added: 

Export Code in Current Baseline: 

Export Code Last Altered: 

 Creation of Links   [other codes of this type]

 item   [codes with similar scope]



 As at baseline

^outboundTextLinks( ["start", "list-item-prefix", "list-item-suffix", "end, "type"] )^

returns an unordered list, excluding prototype links, to all of the notes to which the current note has text links (links anchored in body text) and web links.

The optional arguments allow you to format the group of links as an HTML list or table in the exact format you want, where start is text that will be inserted before all of the links, end is text that will be inserted after all of the links, list-item-prefix is text that will be inserted before each link, and list-item-suffix is text that will be inserted after each link. The type argument restricts the scope of link inclusion and is discussed separately below. See more on altering list type or other HTML output.

If the optional start, list-item-prefix, list-item-suffix, end arguments are omitted then the default values of <ul>, <li>, </li>, </ul> are used.

The optional fifth argument, type, lets you restrict exported lists to specific link types, as in the named types seen in the TBX's Link Types palette. type my be omitted but if you do wish to use it, the preceding 4 arguments must all be specified. For example:


will list only inbound links of type "example". As the type argument is a regular expression, besides specifying a particular link type name, you can specify wildcard characters or lists of eligible link types, etc.


will list links of the types "untitled" and "example".

The is no option to show only the text links without the web links. However, careful use of different link types for text vs. web links would allow filtering via type.

Also see ^outboundBasicLinks^, ^outboundWebLinks^. The logical opposite of this code is ^inboundTextLinks^.

This code exports CSS class and target based on their underlying Tinderbox link values, assuming these are actually completed; the link type value is not picked up as a class name.

New item objects source and destination may be used to indicate from where data used within the arguments is drawn.

always uses the original note, even when this is an alias.

The export is relative to current rather than this, facilitating work with included files.

See also—notes linking to here: