Tinderbox v10 Icon

^basicLinks( [start, list-item-prefix, list-item-suffix, end] )^

This pages describes features, codes or syntax whose use is now DEPRECATED, i.e. not advised either for new or continued pre-existing use.

Deprecated aspects of Tinderbox may be supported on a legacy basis but the latter support can not be presumed to be indefinite. Therefore you should update your active TBX documents to latest practice as soon as practical.

Export Code Type: 

Export Code Scope of Action: 

Export Code First Added: 

Export Code Last Altered: 

 Creation of Links   [other codes of this type]

 item   [codes with similar scope]


 As at baseline

Note: this is deprecated in favour of ^outboundLinks^, though the behaviour is the same and this method still works, for legacy purposes.

^basicLinks( ["start", "list-item-prefix", "list-item-suffix", "end"] )^

returns all of the basic links from this note, formatted as an unordered list. The logical counterpart of this code is ^inboundLinks^. This code does not include outbound text links on the presumption that these are already present in the output ^text^ of the note. There is no single code to list all outbound links.

If the optional start, list-item-prefix, list-item-suffix, end arguments are omitted then the default values of <ul>, <li>, </li>, </ul> are used.

This allows you to format the group of links as an HTML list or table in the exact format you want, where "start" is text that will be inserted before all of the links, "end" is text that will be inserted after all of the links, "list-item-prefix" is text that will be inserted before each link, and "list-item-suffix" is text that will be inserted after each link. See more on altering list type or other HTML output.

Exported links use the CSS class and target based on their underlying Tinderbox link values, if one is specified; the link type value is not picked up as a class name.

Mark-up elements embedded in ^basicLinks^ are evaluated.

Note that unlike other link in/outbound link codes this code and ^inboundLinks^ do not offer an optional link type filter.

Item objects source and destination may be used in expressions to indicate from where data used within the expression's arguments is drawn.

Originals and aliases export their own basic links (i.e. aliases can differ), but if an alias has no in/outbound basic links it will export those of the original.

Also see: ^outboundBasicLinks^, ^outboundTextLinks^ and ^outboundWebLinks^.

The export is relative to current rather than this, facilitating work with included files.